Welcome to the site to learn more about your inherent skills for your female leadership.

Instructions : Rate yourself for each of the 16 characteristics on the low-high scale. Then, hand over your email address (don't worry, I don't send spam) and I will send you a description of the Intuition Model as well as a brief report for where you rate on it. You'll discover the assets and liabilities of your tendencies as you influence others in your world.
You are good at listening for facts and data
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You are good at sensing intent from others
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You appropriately pick up on and reflect feelings that others have, letting them know you understand
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You have a high self-awareness and acknowledgement of feelings
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You are good at reading non-verbal signs
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You are good at translating what you hear into needs for others
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You have a way of recognizing what is important in life, and can put work in perspective
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You have a broad contextual view of issues, important when developing strategies
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You exhibit few competitive tendencies and often seeks a more collaborative approach
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You motivate others and get them inspired
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You have the ability to smoothly insert yourself into situations where conflict management or problem solving is needed
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You clearly see relationship building as important as fact-gathering
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You have the ability to balance the strategic (the what) with the tactical (the how)
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You have a natural tendency to deal comfortably between multiple tasks
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You look at the workplace in terms of a network of contacts rather than rank and status
Not So MuchYes that's moi!
You pull in others' inputs before setting plans & strategies
Not So MuchYes that's moi!